This week.

Imagine a hot yoga-meets-bootcamp class with a relentless instructor, but now flip the thermometer upside down and there you have it: That pushed-to-the-limit, “is the hard part over yet” moment where all you can think about is how much you want a sip of water.

just for giggles

just for giggles

I can’t be the only one out there who could use a little reassurance that seasons come and go and that winter will not last forever. Things get tougher, they get easier. Stories end and begin and doors open and close and there are windows you forget about and sometimes maybe it’s enough to just put one foot in front of the other and remember to brush your teeth before bed.

Today brings a new month and this month brings a new season. In a few weeks, we’ll be over bone broth and soups and stews and instead talking spring detoxes and other madness. Green stuff. Fiddleheads, even. I’m looking forward to making new self-indulgent playlists on Spotify too.

I feel like I’ve been talking about music a lot on here lately—probably because I’ve been clinging to it like a freaking teenager. There’s something about the cold that amps up the intensity and drives us to our most basic coping mechanisms. I hear a lot from clients about sugar and carb cravings and feeling sad this time of year, which often leads to a discussion about serotonin regulation or vitamin D deficiency from lack of sunlight.

Whatever it is you’re doing to get through, take a deep breath and remember that you only have to hold out a little bit longer. March is here. Spring is coming.

In a very tiny shell, here is this week’s gratitude list:

When I need it most, I always manage to come back to this line from this Bob Dylan song:

“Everything passes, everything changes, just do what you think you should do.” 


What do you do to get through winter?