Happy Sunday! How’s your weekend been? I worked yesterday but also found some time to relax, write, test some new recipes, and get a little yoga in. And wine.

pink wine and pen

Speaking of wine, you might like this Shape blog piece where I share some tips for preventing the “drunchies” (aka drunk munchies). Today’s Dietitian tweeted the story before I’d even seen it, and I got a good laugh. I would be the “RD of the Day” for talking about outsmarting your drunk self. Today's Dietitian twitter

A few other small good things I want to share this Sunday:

*For the month of August, I’ll be posting my breakfast every morning on Instagram—the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you want to join in the fun, tag me @jesscording. It’ll be like we’re having breakfast together!

*This microwave has the most ridiculous settings and I love it. I was informed that it is a food service microwave, so no idea what it’s doing in a hospital admin office, but now I know to be careful around the super-wattage. God bless America, that’s all I have to say. food service microwave

*I think I picked my theme song for the year. Or maybe the upcoming decade? After the past almost-ten years of this, it’s time for a change.


We’ll see.

Have a beautiful day : )

What’s your theme song? Any go-to drunk munchies?