Hope everyone’s had a nice weekend. I’ve been taking my Sunday nice and slow to catch up on work and errands and to cook some good stuff.

The day began with a trip to pick out a new plant. Last year, Chris got me a plant for Valentine’s Day (we named her Val, naturally), so we took a walk down to the nursery together to look around. We came home with this fabulous Rastafarian Lipstick plant—it has as yet to be named…

The new baby

Then roasted fennel happened. Just cut the top off, slice the bulb (if that’s what it’s called), coat with olive oil, and bake for about 35-40 minutes at 400 degrees. So good. I also made braised & glazed brussel sprouts (Mark Bittman’s recipe is my favorite),  kale chips, brown rice, and tofu.


After seeing this quick and easy recipe on LilVeggiePatch, I just had to try it for lunch. I’m so glad I did. Why didn’t I ever think to cook eggs in sesame oil before? Amazing. 

Chris helped me take some pictures for a silly project too. It was hilarious, but I got what I needed.

What did you do this weekend?