Is anyone else ever impressed by the amount and/or ridiculousness of spam they get in the comments section on their blog? I have to admit, it’s amazing the way you get messages comprised of snippets of text from your own post regurgitated back to you. Sometimes it’s even in complete sentences! Sometimes, though, it’s pretty random or even in, like, robot-Dutch. Other times it’s just weird.

Today a piece of spam told me I was boring. Nice.

So while I could adopt an “I’m rubber, you’re a robot” stance, I could also post some interesting things from around the web this week for you to check out. Have fun!

Also, I wanted to share a quick pic of yesterday’s lunch, which was delicious. Something tells me that egg-white veggie scrambles will be making a regular appearance in my kitchen-it’s the roasted eggplant and roasted broccoli, plus the addition of garlic and red pepper flakes that make it fantastic. I’m also loving toast with ricotta and heirloom tomato. 

Any interesting or fun news you want to share? Favorite meal lately? Do you ever get crazy spam?