There are some things I like to think it’s okay to be a snob about. Like wine. And teeth—Call me shallow, but I could never date a man with Austin Powers-esque not-so-pearly-whites. Another big one is breakfast. As a dietitian, it’s basically my job to encourage people to put some fuel in the tank within a few hours of waking. I will never understand not wanting to eat in the morning, and I have little sympathy for “too busy/not enough time.” Sorry I’m not sorry. Though Mr. “Cigarette and a Coffee” is only hurting himself, how about growing the f up and taking some interest in your longevity, sir?

General Mills recently sent me a few samples of some new products to try out—no review required, just a little edible FYI. A few of the products, which I’ll likely post about soon, were fairly healthy (my co-workers really liked a new cranberry almond Nature Valley granola with added protein). However, there was one product that had me scratching my head a little:


Though I do like that these contain real-food ingredients like rice, quinoa, and oats, do we really need the artificial food coloring in the strawberry drink? Sugar also happens to be the third (of many) ingredients in each flavor, which doesn’t exactly scream “get up and stay up.” I know that adding some fiber can help temper the blood sugar spike, but 15 grams is still quite a lot of sugar to start your day with. Not that this isn’t a typical American amount, of course. I guess looking at a product that gets quite a bit right, I wanted to see it go all the way .BFAST nutrition

That said, I can understand the appeal of a product like this for busy parents who’d rather see their picky kids drink this on their way to school than go without a morning meal. Perhaps it could also make a good alternative to pricey oral supplements like Ensure and Boost for elderly and/or sick people who do better with liquid sources of nutrition.

However, when it comes to grown-ass healthy adults, I’m a big believer that one always has time for a real breakfast, even on the run. Feeding yourself doesn’t have to be a lengthy, elaborate affair. Here are a few lightning-quick breakfast ideas:

  • Avocado or nut butter on toast
  • Greek yogurt with cereal or fruit on top
  • A handful of nuts and a piece of fruit
  • A hard-boiled egg (easy to make ahead of time)
  • Overnight oats (to-go container-friendly)
  • Actual cereal and milk
  • Skim latte and a piece of fruit

What are some of your favorite quick breakfasts?