stock-footage-mysterious-cherry-blossoms-japanese-garden-cartoony-d-renderThese days, we use our smartphones to track all kinds of things. Man, I remember 10 years ago, when the idea of having all your music on your phone seemed totally crazy and cool…And now I sound super-old and all “when I was your age…”

Anyway. I’ve written on here about smartphone apps a number of times. As a Rise coach, I log into one every day to review client food and exercise journals, and I use a service called MobileRD with private clients. It’s safe to say that, overall, I’m a fan. Goodness knows I track all kinds of my own data too—I also don’t know where I’d be without my calendar and “notes” app.

Since a lot of my readers are moms—or planning to become moms soon—I thought it might be fun to share an article I wrote for the Daily Dot on 11 nifty apps to make breastfeeding easier.

What are some of your favorite smartphone apps?