Though traveling abroad really is about experiencing another culture, it’s nice to be able to enjoy a few select comforts of home. For example, the dorms we’re staying in have internet and private bathrooms (one per room) as well as laundry and a gym. I’ve also been pleasantly surprised by the food in the dining hall—they even have soy milk at breakfast! I was also really happy to see a machine with filtered water and water “with gas.” It’s nice to be able to get my seltzer fix for free.

Something we have here that I wish I had at home is this great coffee vending machine with about 14 different espresso drinks—all 45 cents (euro). You put in your money and a little plastic cup, complete with a spoon, drops down. I’ve definitely made friends with the cappuccino.

It’s another nice day here in Florence. In a little while, my group is going to a culinary school lesson where we’re going to make traditional Italian primi courses. I’ve been told risotto and gnocchi are only a few of the things we’ll be creating.

Back on the other side of the Atlantic, I read, Mexico City is putting its cops on a diet.