How many calories are in your Pinkberry? Finally! On Friday, April 1, the FDA announced (if a week late) its proposed rules for calorie labeling in restaurants and vending machines. The restaurant rules apply to restaurants and fast-food establishments, bakeries, groceries, convenience stores, and coffee shops that are part of chains with more than 20 locations nationwide. For vending machines, the number 20 also applies.

One kind of odd and frustrating aspect of this proposal is that the rules do not apply to “movie theaters, airplanes, bowling alleys, and other establishments whose primary purpose is not to sell food”. Um, yeah—ridiculous. Where in the United States can you not buy food these days? The post office, perhaps?  I’m having a legitimately hard time thinking of places!

For more information on these proposed rules and how you can submit a comment to the FDA, visit them online so you can tell them what you think of these proposed rules.