So wow. February. That happened quickly. Any exciting plans for the month? I have a conference coming up that I’m super-excited about! #nerdalert

As far as non-work things go, I’m mostly looking forward to catching up with some friends. Oh—and cashing in a gift card for a much-needed massage. In a month that’s so focused on romantic love, it’s important to remember that there are many other types of love: family, friends, self-love…

Though this is the shortest month of winter, it’s still winter (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere), which may leave you feeling more inclined to want to drink wine and sleep than to do, well, anything. Aside from the usual happy/healthy cocktail of exercise, adequate sleep, and vitamin D supplementation to help you cope with the dark days and cold temps, a few good laughs go a long way too!

A few things that cracked me up recently:

*This text from my sister. That she felt compelled to send me a gif of Kramer on a random night is probably the funniest part:


In 2012 I briefly dated a guy who had never seen Seinfeld. Maybe I judged him a little, but at the same time, it was a great excuse to re-watch the series from the beginning. Or at least the first season, given the brevity of the aforementioned dating situation. This is back when I had a TV and DVD player. Strange days indeed.

*A kid on the bus the other day singing a song about how “God made a poo-poo.” The song turned into a talking blues about Star Wars—more specifically, about the relationship between Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. It was pretty epic.

*A mostly toothless old lady playing Naughty Sudoku.

*My attempt at following painting directions. paint nite

For the uninitiated, check out Paint Nite.

*My favorite sausage joke. The other day in a Pilates class, the instructor asked if anyone knew any good jokes. Of course I did.

What made you laugh recently?