A new Japanese study suggests that eating more oily fish such as sardines, yellowtail, and salmon could curb depression in teenage boys. The study, which looked at 6,500 Japanese high school students between 12 and 15 years old, found that boys who ate more oily fish (rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which aid brain function), had fewer symptoms of depression.

However, the authors of the study are careful to point out that while finds could reflect a cause-and-effect relationship; it may also be that those are less depressed eat fish. It should also be noted that oily fish appeared to have no effect on depression rates in teen girls studied.

You can read more here.

Man, I wish this study had been done when I was still in high school and dealing with depressed teenage boys. They are not fun—or very nice. Aside from isolating particular ways in which dietary changes may improve mood, studies like this hit home the idea that good nutrition can help people lead a healthier, happier life. Moms, for the sake of the girls who are going to have to deal with your sons (and you know, for the boy’s sake too), nix the hunk and keep real, whole foods in the house. By the time he’s old enough to break someone’s heart, he’s old enough to eat his vegetables.