I came across this article recently about Fairview Hospital Wellness Center’s Annual Healthy and Smart Shopping with Diabetes event, in which nurses from the Rocky River, OH facility guide participants through the store in small groups, showing how to properly read a nutrition label and plan for healthy meals. Patients are also clued in to the open secret that the healthier items like produce are usually found at the perimeter of the store whereas the aisles are stocked with more processed goods. This program is given in conjunction with Heinen’s Healthy Appetite/Go Foods program, developed by the supermarket chain’s chefs and Cleveland Clinic dietitians.

I think programs like this are a great idea—can we see more of them, please? How about doing this with school-aged children and perhaps prevent a few cases of  childhood-onset type 2 diabetes before they begin? Teaching healthy eating and shopping habits should really be part of an education in this country. Sure, good grades might get you into a good college, but learning how to prepare a balanced meal will help maintain a healthy life both in and out of the classroom.