Greetings from North Carolina! Chris and I are just hanging in the airport waiting for his dad and other family members to come pick us up. There were three or four parties all coming in from various cities today, so we had to do a little coordinating to make sure we all end up in the same place by the end of today. Even though I’ve been up since 5 a.m., this day is flying by.

I managed to knock off more than 5 pages (!) of this 20-pager that’s due on the 15th, so I’m feeling pretty good. I also polished off a ridiculously expensive airport lunch—veggie burger with lettuce and tomato on whole wheat with a side salad. Along with a bottled water and a diet coke, it came to about $13. Chris was pleased with his $11 grilled cheese and fries. In New York, I wouldn’t raise an eyebrow, but here? I guess airport food is expensive no matter where you are. And anyway, it was tasty and fueled me up pretty well. Our 3-hour hangout is almost over, and I feel like I could keep on writing!