This month has been something else. “Highs and Lows” would be an understatement. There’s really no way for me to sugar-coat or put a totally positive spin on this one: saying goodbye to my dad on the 4th was really, really hard. It’s continued to be hard. It’s been several weeks since he passed, and I still find myself reaching for my phone a few times a day to call or text him a funny story or just to say hi. I really wasn’t sure if I would share any of this at all, but it feels inauthentic to pretend that it’s been business as usual over here. That said, I feel so lucky for all the time I did have with my dad and for the amazing people in my life who have been so kind and supportive.

I know lots of people are dealing with loss, and we all handle things in different ways. I have been given so much (mostly good) advice about grief and loss these past weeks, but a few things that really stood out are that grief is not a linear process and that you have to give yourself some grace as you’re going through it. It’s true that some days have gone great where others have felt just awful. For me, the focus has been on being mindful about how I spend my energy so that I can show up as the strong person my loved ones and clients need. This has involved saying no to some things in my personal and professional life that don’t serve that purpose in order to make room for what does.

One definite highlight this month: I had an amazing time last Saturday at an uplifting event with mindbodygreen and CorePower Yoga , where I gave a little talk on eating for energy and hung out chatting with guests about health and wellness. The mbg team is such a joy to work with, and the positive vibes made for a truly wonderful way to kick off the official first day of fall!


Photo by Anders Krusberg for mindbodygreen

While I was in the neighborhood, I grabbed a coffee and enjoyed the beautiful weather in Bryant Park. Also still high on the list of YES is writing. Today, as I do every month, I’m sharing some of my recent publications and media appearances.


September 2018 Media







Food & Nutrition Magazine


Quoted In:


Women’s Health

Reader’s Digest:


What are you grateful for this month?