When I was a kid, I was terrified of lobsters. Time passed, however, and around age 18 or so I realized that not only are they basically harmless—they’re also delicious. It also doesn’t suck that they’re high in protein and relatively low in calories (one 3-ounce serving contains about 90 calories and 18 grams of protein).

IMG_2150I’ve had lobster served many ways, but one thing I’ve yet to try is preparing lobster at home—aka killing and steaming my own damn dinner. The thought makes me a little squeamish, but I feel like it’s one of those things I should do at least once. After getting this awesome postcard from my aunt today, I think I might have to put it on my spring/summer bucket list.

Unrelated: growing up, I loved that “lobster” rhymed with “mobster.” It’s the little things…

Do you eat lobster? Have you ever made it at home?