I know that posting about Michael Pollan on a nutrition blog is kind of like posting about jeans on a fashion blog, but the guy is popular for a reason…

This January, he has a new book coming out in which he offers 20 Rules to Eat By. Part of his research included posting a request on Tara Parker-Pope’s Well blog on NYTimes.com, asking readers to submit their own rules. Within days he had over 2,500 responses.
“My premise,” he says, “is that for all the authority we grant to science in matters of nutrition, culture still has a lot to teach us about how to choose, prepare and eat food, and that this popular wisdom is worth preserving — perhaps today more than ever, in this era of dazzling food science, supersize portions and widespread dietary confusion.”
You can read more about these rules here.
Wanna see some of Pollan’s favorite rules?