Do you ever just get so tired you feel like a raging idiot?

Me too.

A pretty accurate representation of what the inside of my head looks like right now

A pretty accurate representation of what the inside of my head looks like right now

In the past few weeks since starting my new job, I’ve done some funny sh!t:

  • walked smack into a wall while getting ready for bed—so hard I had a bruise for a whole week. Totally sober, might I add, just not wearing my glasses in the dark. If I had a ring on the “taken” finger, I’d probably have gotten pulled aside at work and asked if things were okay at home.
  • ordered some chia seeds and had them shipped to my old address
  • wrote “2017” for the date. Um…
  • made a recipe I should have known I wouldn’t love—the recipe itself is actually an awesome easy dinner idea, but I was so out of it, I forgot that I am not a fan at all of Laughing Cow wedges—they make me feel like I’d been tricked into eating “diet food.”
  • almost wrote a tube feed order for 1000 ml/hr instead of 100. Whoops.
  • forgot to take off my bra for a massage. The massage therapist actually unhooked it for me when I was lying face-down and helped me out of it. It was both cute and weird.

And to think I have a f***ing Masters degree now…

Do you do stupid and/or weird stuff when you’re tired?