Like I needed a reminder to be careful what I wish for…IMG_2716

The universe must have heard me wishing I could wear sandals to work because I got exactly what I wanted. As things are always an adventure in the life of Jess, my left big toenail decided it wanted to come off yesterday. I was about to make dinner when I realized that my toe felt weird. I looked down and noticed a big ol’ crack near the bottom of the nail. Huh. Not idea how that got there.

In the past, I probably would have freaked out, but I happen to live not far from an Urgent Care that was actually still open, so I went and let them finish the job. I’d never been to this place before, but I knew I’d found my hypochondriac’s home away from home when I spotted this on the wall of the exam room: Dr_Evil

I am never going to the Duane Reade walk-in clinic again.

The doctor and the medical assistant were both great. After anesthetizing my toe and testing to make sure I couldn’t feel a damn thing, the doctor removed the nail and showed me that, hey, silver lining—the base of the nail is still attached, so it will probably heal better, if not faster (apparently I have ~3 months to wait). I am such a weirdo—the whole situation struck me as so ridiculous that I was actually laughing during the procedure. I mean, seriously. My f***ing toenail? I also still have no clue how it happened. I was prescribed some painkillers but hopefully I won’t need to take them—tylenol has been enough so far.

But yeah, last night I called my manager at 8 pm to tell her what had happened and could I wear sandals because I couldn’t fit into my work shoes. Luckily, she was very understanding and said it was totally fine. I definitely got some crazy looks from patients and other staff today, though!

I swear, never a dull day…I’m happy it’s the weekend. I actually have time now to put my foot up and ice it like I’m supposed to. The bandage is coming off tomorrow morning, so hopefully it’ll be okay! Here’s to one day laughing over that time I mysteriously broke my toenail.

Have you ever lost a nail? What happened? What was the healing process like? What kind of shoes do you wear to work?