Welcome to another Running with Spoons Thinking Out Loud link party where stream-of-consciousness is the name of the game!

1.) I’ve been finding feathers everywhere again. The other day, for example, there was one in the middle of the skincare aisle at CVS, where I was looking for eye makeup remover wipes.

IMG_60322.) I also found a new nail polish at CVS. I’m loving the CoverGirl glosstini polishes—great colors that stay put. I also love that they come in a smaller-than-normal bottle, which means less chance of wasting half the bottle when I inevitably move on to something else (anyone else have that problem or am I just commitment phobic about nail color?).

3.) Trader Joe’s Turkey Burgers. I don’t love beef burgers, but I love turkey burgers, despite being too lazy to make my own. I think it’s the rosemary in these that does it for me. I also think the side of me that hates touching raw meat is the same side that has no desire whatsoever to go camping.

4.) Edward Hopper’s paintings invaded by social media. Oh my.

5.) My 15-year-old self loved No Doubt’s Return of Saturn when it came out but had no idea what it was really about. Logically, maybe, but ah, the difference time (and a bunch of friends’ weddings) makes. Apparently my “Saturn return” phase is going to start in January 2015 and last until that October, so I must just be getting warmed up on this self-evaluation thing. Let the good times roll…

Anyway, My girl crush on Gwen Stefani just got, like, a million times bigger for making this song exist.

6.) I am so frustrated with all this “skinny” talk in publications that are supposedly about health. Um, I’d rather look strong and sexy this summer, thanks—more, “OMG can I buy you a drink” and not “OMG someone should buy you a cheeseburger.” When I posted this super-condensed rant, a friend responded with a link to a recipe for a cheeseburger martini because the Internet.

Being an appropriate weight for your height and body type is important, but the word “skinny,” to me, implies that women should always strive to be as small as possible, to avoid taking up space or sticking up for ourselves or making our mark the way I man is allowed—and even expected—to. Since the shooting in California on Friday, I’ve been dealing with a lot of thoughts and feelings about gender relations and entitlement that I really can’t even begin to articulate. I know this is mixed up in there somewhere, but this blog post is not really the place to unpack that suitcase.

7.) Wow, this exists now. I guess it’s somewhat akin to e-cigarettes?

What’s on your mind this Thursday? What’s the weirdest martini you’ve ever seen—or tasted? Who’s your celebrity/musician crush?