I’ve been setting New Year’s resolutions for a long, long time. Documenting said resolutions on a public page like a blog can make for a real trip when I go back and read previous entries related to things I set out to do. A few recent examples:

When it comes to setting resolutions with staying power, I’m a fan of SMART goals, which are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • and Timely

cafe campanille MilanA few past New Years resolutions have become habit. A few years ago, I found I really liked keeping alcohol consumption to 3-4 days per week. It’s a nice balance that lets me enjoy without feeling like I’m overdoing it. Or under-doing it. Making thrice-weekly yoga sessions a goal-turned-habit has also been a game changer—I really feel it’s helped me feel more stable and calm in a time where things move quickly and change constantly.

Each year, I like to set a few practical goals as well as a few fun goals. This year, my main practical goals relate to work stuff.I strongly believe that a big part of attracting the right people and projects involves staying true to your brand (I hate that word but it’s the right one here) and your most authentic self in what you put out into the world. I spent a lot of time in 2015 exploring and thinking about what I want and how to get there. Now is the part where I get to act on those plans. A few specifics: 

  • Update my resume, social media profiles, “about me” pages, and bios to most accurately reflect who I am and what I do.
  • SEO and design tune-up.
  • Continue to expand my professional network. My aim is to attend one function or event per month and make time for coffee dates as able.

I like to set a few “fun” resolutions each year. For 2016, mine are:

  • More dinner parties—I’ll make this SMART by setting a specific goal of one dinner party per season.
  • Celebrate the little things more. How I plan to stay on track: One champagne toast per month—great reason to find something to raise a glass to.

I feel weird saying it, but 2015 was a really big year for me. It certainly wasn’t without growing pains, I learned so much, and I’m really excited for 2016.

 What are your 2016 resolutions? 

This post has been part of another Running with Spoons Thinking Out Loud link party, where randomness is the name of the game. Thanks to Amanda for hosting.