How does Thursday always get here so quickly? And why? I am totally feeling the time-crunch this week as I look ahead to all the end-of-year deadlines I have coming up, but I’ve been making room to breathe wherever I can. One thing I’ve certainly struggled with in the past (and likely will always struggle with because workaholism DNA is strong stuff) is making time for fun/life, but I’ve actually been doing a better job of it lately, even if in small ways. The little things make a big difference, you know? 

Oh, speaking of little/big things, I got a new stove this week.

new stove

Having my birthday so close to Black Friday is kind of awesome for many reasons. I am way too excited about being able to justify a new stove as a birthday/early Christmas gift. I guess this means I’m officially old.

This was delivered just in time, too. I have a few events coming up I need to bring some baked items to—sweet and savory things, but having an oven that works well is key.

Speaking of sweet stuff, sugar abounds in all kinds of surprising places, and this time of year, it can be hard to keep things in check, as many of us are getting more sugar than we even realize. To help you save it for special occasions when you can actually enjoy it, check out my Kids Eat Right article on tips for reducing your family’s intake of added sugar in places it doesn’t belong. These tips work for us adults, too 😉

If you’re looking for a good in-moderation treat, maybe you’d enjoy these dark chocolate red wine brownies I posted the other day? A little goes a long way, but like most good things, totally worth making a little space for. christmas coasters

On a completely non-sweet note, I’m really into sardines lately, and this study that recently came out on the benefits of a Nordic diet rich in said nutrient-dense little fish gave me yet another reason to put them on my awesome list.

Do you struggle with sugar intake this time of year? Sardines—yay or nay? 

This post has been part of another Running with Spoons Thinking Out Loud link party, where randomness is the name of the game. Thanks to Amanda for hosting.