1.) Someone posted this video on Facebook the other day, and I just had to share. Cheers to positive body image and a f*** you to impossible beauty standards perpetuated by the fashion industry.

2.) My sister is hilarious. The other day she randomly asked me my favorite dinosaur and then to guess hers (I should have gone with my gut instinct on the first try, but brontasaurus seemed too easy). Our text conversations are often like this. dinosaur

3.) Speaking of dinosaurs, who told men that adding “-asaurus” to online dating profile names was a good idea? Also baffling: the insertion of “taco” into said usernames. Because nothing says, “romance” like extinct, supposedly-cold-blooded creatures and…tortilla-wrapped salty things? I’m confused. Where have all the #kalemales gone?

4.) I spent the better part of Monday night trying to decide whether I had appendicitis. Eventually, I said, “Jess, it’s 2-f***ing a.m. If you can’t motivate yourself to get out of bed to hail a cab to the ER, you’re probably fine.” I also figured that, worst case scenario, my appendix had already burst, so may as well get some rest to fight off the potential for sepsis. I guess this is what eventually happens to hypochondriacs who work in health care. Of course, I still ran down the list of nearby hospitals in my head, deciding which ones were more appealing than others based on who I knew who worked there and what the food was like. Since most appendectomies are done laparoscopically now, patient stay is pretty short, but still.

5. I made chili again, only this one featured black beans and a can of salsa verde.

6.) When I began the process of clearing bad energy and promoting the flow of good energy in my apartment, I was told to hang art featuring “pairs” of things in my bedroom area. This photo by LA artist Claire Oring gave me “I want to go to there” chills. Yes, I first saw this at Urban Outfitters, but when I couldn’t stop looking at it, I knew it was the right thing, hipster retail-dom aside.

Hanging art is not my specialty…Claire Orig photo

…but eventually, with the help of a pencil, straight edge, a hammer, and nails, I managed. It was almost as satisfying as that time I set up that IKEA coffee table by myself. Definitely as satisfying as that first time I made a soufflé when I was 23 and realized, “Oh. Hypothetically speaking, I can do this whenever I want. Sweet.”

What’s on your mind this Thursday? Do you have a favorite dinosaur? Are you a hypochondriac?