When you look in your fridge, chances are, you see at least something with “organic” on the packaging somewhere, am I right?

Last year, organic food accounted for more than three percent of US food sales, and according to the Organic Trade Association, organic food sales grew at a much faster rate in 2008 than general US food sales, which grew by 4.9 percent during the year – or about a third as much as organics.

The USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service said: “Organic products have shifted from being a lifestyle choice for a small share of consumers to being consumed at least occasionally by a majority of Americans.”

Though organic foods are still much more expensive and there are general trends to be noticed in terms of who’s buying organic, overall, there are more and more people across the board purchasing organic foods. USDA went so far as to say that organic consumers have become “increasingly mainstream.”

Does this mean that soon it’s going to be ironic to eat, like, twinkies? Oh wait…

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