Welcome to another What I Ate Wednesday! Hop on over to founder Jenn’s blog for info on the series!

Wow, this Wednesday was a scorcher. It’s rare than I’m happy to be indoors on a sunny day. The morning and early afternoon at the clinic flew by, and I even hung around for a little while to take notes for a project before heading home.

Unfortunately, I fell into a little bit of a funk when I got back and tried to do some sun salutations. The foot that’s getting x-rayed next week decided that we were not going to do yoga today after all. I’ve found ways to modify workouts and activities to avoid aggravating the rogue navicular bone or whatever the hell is at work, but I guess this will take some more figuring out.

So what did I do? Instead of getting right to work, I decided to cook a seitan log, of all things….

It's Log!

I always say cooking is the best procrastination tool ever. The trick is to make real, “practical” foods so you actually feel like you’re doing something worthwhile. Cookie-baking instead of working makes me feel guilty, but the humble seitan log, like a good pot of soup, fairly reeks of virtue. Well, reeks of that and red miso.

By the time I was done mincing the heck out of some garlic, I felt better. Then I went and played around on the harp and then the ukulele and called it brainstorming. I blame the heat.

haha so productive. not.

Congratulations on making it the “why” of this post. So what did I eat this Wednesday?

Breakfast: yogurt overnight oats topped with berries

Lunch:  greens with leftover whole wheat couscous, roasted broccoli and cauliflower, tomato, white beans and a miso-tahini dressing; an apple

Snack: a bowl of shredded wheat with soy milk and a peach

Dinner: Brown rice with roasted broccoli and cauliflower and sliced seitan log

Snack: randomness in a glass—yogurt with cocoa, flax, a crumbled date ball and the last of my roasted figs

Hope you had a great Wednesday! What the best thing you ate?