Another busy week, another What I Ate Wednesday. Hope your day is off to a good start. For this week’s link-up party, I decided to share a look at what I ate on Saturday, which I spent on writing projects and to-do list items. I also needed a little time to just decompress after a full week of training at the new job. Even though it’s a part-time position, my training schedule has been a bit more intensive so I can get in the swing of things with learning all the policies and procedures.

So Saturday was also a relaxing day, where I made time for yoga and a concert in the evening. In the past I might have felt guilty about not getting around to cleaning, but now I feel like if I do some spot-cleaning throughout the week, it’s okay because sometimes life happens, and it’s not always realistic to tackle the whole apartment in one go.

Anyway, here’s the “what I ate” part of the day…

Breakfast: PB&J oatmeal (same as last weekend) online dating article and oatmeal

Lunch: leftover polenta & veggies with a poached egg polenta and salad

Snack: yogurt with coconut flour & cocoa powder, topped with roasted figs and a sprinkling of dark chocolate chips chocolate yogurt and figs

Dinner: slow-cooker teriyaki chicken (cook on low for 5 hours with teriyaki sauce—very lazy) with broccoli & mushrooms; a glass of red wine & a square of dark chocolate chicken teriyaki

Before-Bed Snack: I had a few tablespoons of Greek yogurt left in the container, so I mixed in cocoa powder and some PB2 and added sliced banana on top banana with PB2 yogurt sauce

I slept really, really well that night.

What was the best thing you ate last weekend? 

To see more WIAW from other bloggers, check out founder Jenn’s blog Peas & Crayons.