Real talk: I spent every single weekend of September traveling for at least one day. I was wondering why I’d been feeling so run down and crunched for time lately, and then I realized I’d barely had any downtime! I spent last weekend recovering from a fall cold (my immune system decided to take a break since I had a few days to myself), so I basically spend last weekend coughing my brains out and drinking lots of tea. Food photos was about the last thing on my mind, though I did finally start that Facebook group about Healthy Living Hacks To Boost Focus & Productivity. You should join us!

Anyway, for today’s What I Ate Wednesday post, I thought I’d share a little peek at what I ate the day I headed out for New Jersey the last weekend in September (yes, again). I was going to celebrate my dad’s birthday and also to take a 2-day Reiki training course. I’ve always been curious about energy work and even though in many ways it was probably the worst time to add one more thing to my to-do list, when the opportunity came up, my gut said to go for it. I’m glad I did. I’ve been practicing on my self and processing the stuff I learned. I’m not totally clear yet on how it’s going to fit into my work, but I’m so glad I did it.

But you likely didn’t stop by to listen to me babble about chakra, so let’s talk about the food things, shall we? Since I was going to be traveling for the weekend, I tried to make good use of the stuff in my fridge.

Breakfast: Before an early yoga class, I enjoyed a slice of frittata, and then after class, I had another slice, along with some leftover veggies I had handy and was trying to get rid of. Apparently I forgot to take a picture, though. It looked a lot like this except with less frittata:

frittata with greens and sweet potato

Lunch: A giant salad is one of my favorite ways to repurpose leftovers. Exhibit A. I garnished with some beet sauerkraut (so sad it’s gone now) and a sprinkle of hemp hearts.

Salad with Beet Sauerkraut

Snack: I knew that dinner might not be until kind of late, so I made sure to have a protein-rich snack before leaving the city. Plain whole milk Greek yogurt with seeds totally hit the spot.

Whole milk yogurt with seeds

Dinner: Dinner at my parents’ house was pretty simple but good—roasted chicken and salad. That weird slimy-looking thing on the plate is an anchovy. I swear it tasted delicious! This picture was before I chopped it up and added it to the salad!

Roasted chicken with salad

Bedtime Snack: Whenever I’m at my parents’ house, if I need a snack before bed, I’ll usually reach for yogurt, since I know it satisfies me and I don’t have to do anything elaborate to make it.

What do you like to eat when you’re going out of town and need to clear out the fridge? 

To see more WIAW, check out founder Jenn’s blog Peas & Crayons or visit host Laura‘s blog.

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